Sunday, August 16, 2009

Do I Know that Girl? Oh Crap, I Do!

My friends Mojito Maven (Double M) and Sweet N' Lo (SNL) are always telling me that I must blog about my experiences with online dating because some of them I admit, are downright hilarious. To be candid, I do in fact subscribe to an online dating service known as Eharmony (yes, as in, "this will be an everlasting love for me . . . "). Well I would have loved to start off my first Eharmony post talking about some guy that I went on a date with, but instead must tell you about the most unusual situation which I encountered tonight.

I logged on to Eharmony to view my most recent matches. After clicking on a few guys, I found myself staring at Jason's profile. As I always do when I evaluate a prospect, I click to the pictures first, and there . . . staring right back at me, was Jason and . . . do I know that girl? Oh crap, I do! Oh sorry, I got sidetracked by my own shock but have now recovered. Staring back at me was a girl whom I do not care for one tiny bit. I would not say that I despise this girl, because let's face it, I do not know her well and do not often find myself in social situations where I am subjected to her annoying "look at me" antics and exclamations of "ooooohhhh, my God, I absolutely can-NOT get drunk tonight because I didn't even get home until 4am this morning" (this of course being yelled at full volume while double-fisting a couple of cocktails.) BTW-Yes, I realize the irony of my last statement juxtaposed with the fact that my pen name is symbolic of a wonderful blend of vodka and a splash of apple or other fruity mix. But, no, I don't despise her because I feel sorry for her, and instead of letting her craziness get to me, I merely try to avoid her. However, THAT apparently is harder to do than I originally thought because now she has invaded my Eharmony account by being BFF enough with one of my Matches to warrant a picture on his profile!!!! It may be illegal in the United States, but not in the Courtroom of Princess Tartini-I declare that Jason is guilty by association! Match is CLOSED.

Deep breath.

Now that I think about this situation, it has occurred to me that this is the perfect segway into my next Eharmony post, which will occur next week, where I detail out the top seven types of photos that SHOULD NOT be used as profile pics on an online dating site. HINT: Picture with you and another girl who is NOT your sister or your MILF is one of those seven types! Also, picture with you and a drama queen of a girl who is recognizable by potential Match is also a definite NO. Please keep on the look out for another Eharmony post where I will explain in great detail that yes, a picture can be worth 1,000 words.

Questions for my Dear Readers:
1) Have you ever been on a dating site and recognized someone in the picture that your Match had posted? Were you like, "hey, saw you on Dan's online profile . . . so you like camping and dogs too huh?"
2) Have you ever been an accessory person in a photo that someone has posted on a dating website? Were you even AWARE of this?

Princess Tartini


  1. As you know I have zero experience with either of your questions, but i would say in either case it is an EPIC FAIL!

    Love the new blog. We can all get together soon and work out the kinks!

  2. A good guy friend of mine is doing the online dating thing. Although no duet photos have been had, his stories are fantastic! I look forward to reading more of yours!
