Sunday, September 13, 2009

How Do I Know If We Have "Chemistry"?

Last Saturday I went on date #2 with Andy,** a guy I met through Eharmony. Our first date had gone very well. We met for drinks and later, a shared dinner of fish tacos and desert, at a micro-brewery in Plano. He was everything his profile portrayed, which is a rare find in the online dating world. We had plenty to chat about and both agreed that we would like to see each other again. Needless to say, date #1, aka, the "scary oh shit I hope he really looks like his picture" date, was a success.

For date #2, the one I call, "ok buddy, who are you really?" at his suggestion, we went to a wonderful sushi restaurant for dinner. Again, we had a good time talking, but were at a loss for what to do after dinner. It was still early, and we had already ruled out seeing a movie. (Have you seen the crap that is playing in the theatres these days???) So, being a rainy evening, I suggested going to a coffee shop and chatting some more. He suggested that if I was comfortable we could go over to his apartment for coffee. I agreed because a) I am a skeptical person by nature and didn't sense any Ted Bundy inclinations, and that b) if anything went wrong, I would have the whole apartment complex as a witness to my glass-cracking high-pitched screams. (Mom, if you are reading this, please don't be mad!).

Now, for you dating girls out there, you KNOW how important the first apartment visit can be because it can tell you a lot about a person that cannot easily be hidden or faked. Well, I am proud to say that Andy passed with flying colors. His apartment was clean and neat. His furniture was a mix of Ikea and other nicer pieces of furniture. He also had A LOT of electronics, which makes sense since he is a self-described geek. (He works for a cell phone carrier based in Dallas). He made coffee, for which we both added plenty of milk and splenda, and we chatted about a range of different subjects, including his fondness for the band Kings of Leon. About an hour later I made my exit-in my hand, a burned copy of a few Kings of Leon songs.

I guess all in all, I would rate the date a B, and here is why: How do I know if we have chemistry? I mean, we got along fine. He seems to have many of the qualities that I consider hard to find in men, but there was no POW! No AHA! No sound of whooshing as my head went into the clouds. Worse, what if I am just sooo boring, that I won't ever be able to find POW! or AHA! or WHOOSH! with anyone? How many dates do I need to go on before I know whether the elusive "chemistry" that people talk about so much is present?

At the end of the date, I suggested meeting up for Oktoberfest in Addison ( next Saturday. I think this will be a good active date to go on. I think after date #3 I will know whether the relationship is going to take off, or be merely another "dating experience" compliments of Eharmony.

**Name changed to protect the poor, innocent guy I am writing about


  1. Interesting stuff, check out the wide range of Apartment Furniture from

  2. hmmmm, i think i need to hear this story in person to give my full opinion, coffee date soon?

  3. I dont think it will ever work out between you two....I think that we were meant to be together LOL or at least room mates. One more thing...forget octoberfest in addison, you need to get your ass down here to italy and we'll go to the real thing next weekend.....

  4. Nice Blog!! Check out the wide range of Apartment Furniture from

  5. يعتبر تنظيف الخزانات من الأشياء المهمة في حياتنا، فتنظيف الخزانات يجب أن يتم بصفة دورية حتي لا تتكاثر الميكروبات والجراثيم والطحالب الضارة في داخل الخزان، ويتم شرب واستعمال المياه بعد ذلك، وذلك يؤثر على صحة الأسرة وبالأخص صحة الأطفال المتواجدين في تلك الأسرة، فيجب الاهتمام بتنظيف الخزانات وصيانتها حتى يتم استخدامها في الشرب وفي الاستخدامات اليومية، فتخزين المياه لفترة طويلة داخل الخزان يؤثر على جودة المياه المتواجدة في داخله، لذلك يجب التوعية بخطر عدم تنظيف الخزانات لأن ذلك يؤثر على صحة الأفراد.
    شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة
    لذلك خوفا على سلامة أفراد الأسرة، تقدم شركة المستقبل خدماتها لتنظيف الخزانات، فإذا لم يكن لديك الخبرة في عملية تنظيف الخزانات، وإذا كنت تحتاج إلى مساعدة في تنظيف خزانك، فيمكنك الاعتماد على شركة المستقبل لتقوم بهذا العمل بدلا منك، فالشركة لديها الخبرة الطويلة في مجال تنظيف الخزانات، تعتمد الشركة على العمالة المدربة والكفء والتي تقوم بعملية التنظيف على أكمل وجه، فالعمالة لديها الخبرة التي تؤهلها للقيام بهذه العملية، وذلك لأن سلامة أفراد الأسرة تهم الشركة.
    شركة تنظيف خزانات جدة
    تعتمد الشركة في عملية تنظيف الخزانات على مواد لا تؤثر على صحة الأفراد ولا تترك رواسب في الخزان، فيتم الاهتمام بمواد التنظيف المستخدمة في عملية التنظيف واختيارها بعناية فائقة حتى لا تؤثر في عملية التنظيف وحتى تتم عملية التنظيف على أعلى مستوى، يتم أيضا تطهير الخزانات والتأكد من عملية التنظيف والتطهير حتي يتم ملء الخزان مرة أخرى واستخدامه بطريقة طبيعة وبشكل آمن وبدون أي مشاكل أو أمراض قد تحدث للأسرة.
    تنظيف خزانات المياه بجدة
    لا تتعب نفسك في البحث عن المواد وعن الطرق المختلفة لتنظيف الخزان لأن أي خطأ منك قد يؤثر بالسلب على صحتك وصحة اسرتك، اتصل بشركة المستقبل
    وسوف تقوم بكل الأعمال المجهدة عنك.
