Tuesday, November 3, 2009

FW: RE: Your Action

Every office has one of those people who take the job of delegating out work uberseriously. Unfortunately, these people are not your boss, and they are usually not in a position of power; no, no, these are people who don't actually like to do any work themselves, so they try very hard to pass the work onto others. My office has one of these said people. His name is Slacker (not really, but I try to be fair and not use real names), and Slacker really pissed me off today.

Earlier this afternoon, I received an email from Slacker that contained the following statement, "This request should have been directed to you. Your action." Umm, excuse me? Do you mean to tell me that this five page email train where your name is mentioned all over the friggin' place was mistakenly sent to you instead of me? And that the five people copied on this email are so stupid that they put you as the actionee instead of me? And that you think it is ok to "reply to all" and then some to let everyone know that I have the action to complete, when this is the first time I've heard about this issue EVER? And that you think it is acceptable to direct me to do something just because you don't want to have to do it? Who in the hell do you think you are?

Face the facts Slacker! This IS your job, you AREN'T my boss, and QUIT copying every MF*ing person in this office on messages where you deny responsibility and accountability for the tasks you were hired to do!

Deep breath. Please say someone understands where I am coming from? I like my job, and I don't mind doing work that should be mine to do, but what I don't like is for people, like this guy, who think that just by putting the words "Your action" in an email that they have successfully abstained themselves from any responsibility regarding the work.

As the rush of pure hatred filled Princess Tartini's veins (NOT an overreaction by the way because this is not the first time this has happened to me, and I have also witnessed this infuriating behavior happen to others), my first instinct was to shoot back an email also replying to all letting this guy have it big time. However, my cooler senses prevailed, and a sensible email was sent back to Slacker and slacker's boss (who is kind of a pseudo-boss to me) questioning whether or not this was really an appropriate task for my function.

I don't know the outcome yet, but I feel at the very least my point was made: I don't mind doing the work if a supervisor asks me to, but I sure as hell don't take direction from Slacker, and I refuse to allow him to CC me into submission just because he uses email as a broadcast for "not my job".


  1. Okay I swear I posted a comment to this post, but now it's not there. I think you are 100% right in sending that email on to his boss and him. Since I started working I have realized that people are LAZY and will jump on the chance to take advantage of your work ethic. It's so frustrating!
    Let us know what the outcome was!

  2. The outcome was not as expected. I thought that Slacker would be mad about me copying his boss, but he just came over and again tried to shrug responsibility, but this time, without trying to get me to pick up the slack. I can tell that he will never do the work, but hopefully he learned his lesson and won't be signing me up for work without my consent again.
