Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog Catch Up: A Five-Parter

My life has actually been quite busy since I last posted, so I have broken up this post based on all the topics worth discussing.

1. Where the Wild Things Are (Not) Part 2:

Last week I wrote about an uninvited guest that was currently inhabiting my chimney. Of course, not two hours after Animal Control came to my house to assess the situation and determined the animal to be gone, I hear the damn thing rattling around my chimney once more. That was last Tuesday, and I am happy to say that it appears the animal has moved on to a more hospitable home. Lucky for me, it appears no death occurred which also means no awful smell invaded my walls, and also no GUILT on my part! I do feel sorry for the one reader that posted about her rat experience. I am glad my animal and I parted ways on amicable terms.

2. Eharmony Date with Jake:

Last Thursday I went on date #1 with Jake, a guy from Eharmony. I was super excited about meeting Jake because he exhibited all the good signals a girl can hope for: good profile pics, smart and funny email responses, taller than me when I'm wearing heels, etc. We met for drinks at Gordon Brewery (I know, what is it with that place that every guy wants to go there for date #1???) and talked for several hours. Again the question of chemistry comes up. Although I definitely would like to go on date #2 with Jake, I have to say that I thought I would feel that instant "click" with him. I felt like we had similar senses of humor when we were emailing, but in person, I may have fallen a little flat. I don't know whether it is because he was nervous or what. I mean, I sometimes forget that just because I don't get nervous before a first date, doesn't mean that others do not. Soooo, I haven't heard from him since Thursday, but if we go out again, I will definitely update to let you know whether there were more sparks.

3. I Met My Dream Boy

Last Friday (the day after my date with Jake), I needed to take Jackson to the dog park before my friend arrived from Houston for the weekend. Jackson was very hyper and needed the exercise, so I grabbed him and without a thought or a care about how greasy and scrubby I looked, we headed for the park. Of course, while we were there, I met my dream guy. Seriously. I. Met. Him. I will call him Dog Park Guy. DPG was way hot, super-nice (we talked for about 30 mins), had a great personality, a great sense of humor, a great dog, and our dogs got along really well! However, I didn't get his number because I am a big chicken and have naturally made the assumption that he has a GF, but if I see him again, I am going to go out on a limb and see if he would like to meet up sometime. Wish me luck.

But, going back to post #2 above, the date with Jake that seemed ok on Thursday, seemed blah compared to the chemistry I felt with the DPG on Friday. With Jake, although I would like to see him again, it's not going to break my heart if we don't. With DPG, I TOTALLY want to see him again, like now. Why can't for just once, the stars be aligned and help a girl out so that she goes out with a guy she is head over heels for after only knowing him for 30 minutes? That so does not happen to me very often!

4. Six Flags Baby!

On Saturday, I went to Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington with a few friends. Let me just say that my inner-kid comes out with the mention of roller coasters. I love those things. A lot. Like, so "a lot" that I rode the Titan three times in a row, and then one final time before leaving the park as a way to say goodbye until next year. That place is awesome, and it wasn't very crowded which allowed my friends and I to ride EVERY roller coaster multiple times if desired, with virtually no wait. I definitely had my hands up and my scream on. PS. They now sell beer at Six Flags, but it is too expensive to drink enough to get a decent buzz on.

5. Umm, is that my underwear?

So yeah, funny story. Before heading to Six Flags on Saturday, my friends and I dropped off our pooches at Paw Beach Resort in Plano, Tx for Doggie Day Care, so we wouldn't have to worry about them while we were living it up on the Titan. We walked in, and Jackson being a regular at day care was ready for play time, but my friend's dog Gabbie needed to check in for her first visit. While my friend was busy with the front desk guy, I was talking to the guy who watches the dogs in the back and playing with Jackson. All of a sudden something caught my eye. About two feet away from me, on the pristine floor of the lobby lay an object that looked familiar. Umm, is that my underwear? Yep. It sure was.

People, I CANNOT even begin to make this shit up. I was mortified, but also very confused because I normally do not feel the need to bring backup underwear with me when I go places. The only reasonable explanation for this occurrence was that due to the evil that is known as static cling, the undies were stuck to the inside of my jeans after drying them and gradually worked themselves down the pant leg and onto the floor. Now, I do not know why they chose that opportune moment to appear in public, and not while I was at home, but that is neither here nor there. The main thing is that Doggie Day Care boy now knows that I wear VS Boy Shorts with the Dog Pattern (fitting, I know), and now so do you. The only sense of pride I have in the whole ordeal, and my friend pointed this out, is that at least they were cute undies and not granny panties.

1 comment:

  1. Ok first off, I'm happy to hear that you are without a wild animal. Wild animals are never fun to have to deal with in or around your home.

    Second of all, I really hate when what happens with eharmony guy happens. You think you are going to have such a great connection (bc you do on paper) but when you meet it just isn't entirely there. And I don't know how I've lived in Plano for 2 years and never have been to Gordon Brewery. I even lived at the shops of legacy. But then again, I don't go on many dates... so that could explain it.

    Dude. If I were you, I'd totally be stalking out that dog park daily. But I'm crazy so don't do that.

    I'm so jealous! I have been wanting to go to six flags for a while now, (though after the fair I'm not sure how good me and rides go together anymore)

    And that last story about the panties? Amazing!!

    I don't know why I just felt compelled to write a novel. It's fun reading about places I know!
