Thursday, October 8, 2009

"I Thought I Had Responded"

Remember a month or so back when I wrote a super-excited post about this guy from my past who had contacted me out of the blue? Well, after not hearing back from him for several weeks, I finally messaged him on FB to see if he had received my message. In no less than three days time he had responded, and much to my chagrin, he said "I remember getting your note about being in Dallas! I thought I responded but things have been so hectic with school I may have just thought i did. I started law school about 3 weeks ago at Tulsa! Maybe we can catch up when I'm back for the summer!

What? Two sentences in this message strike me as odd:
1) "I thought I had responded?" How do you forget whether you have responded or not to a friend you have not talked to in years? On a conversation that you initiated no less? Yes, I have a forgetful mind at times, but if I go out of the way to contact someone that I have not spoken to in a long time, I sure as hell respond back to their email and remember the act of doing so.

2) "Maybe we can catch up when I'm back for the summer." Summer? As in the summer season that will be occurring after exactly three more seasons have come and gone? Summer, as in after 75% more of a year has passed? Summer, as in the year 2010? Summer, as in after I must claim that I am one year older than I am today? Summer?

Does this strike anyone else as odd? Any thoughts on this behavior?

1 comment:

  1. Well...normally suggesting meeting up 3/4 of a year later would strike me as very odd and I would take it immediately as being "shot down"...however I don't think you should lose hope. Barely surviving my second year of law school at the moment...I completely empathize with his wish to meet up with you at a later date. It is almost impossible to keep up with my friends in law school, people I see everyday sitting across the table from me all day. I can't imagine trying to start a relationship or even reconnect with an old friend at the moment. The very thought of it sends me into a fit of anxiety. Perhaps he recognizes that he would not be able to give you the attention you fully deserve and wants to postpone the reconnection until he can. Have faith and send him another message in late December wishing him a happy holiday...then let him take it from there ;) Good luck!
