Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Whiner Gets Her Way

Many months ago, right before I started blogging, I was allowed the great privilege of guest blogging on my dear friend Mojito Maven's blog, Make Mine A Mojito. On the guest post (, I wrote that due to the very horrendous conditions of Company XX's parking lot, that I was forced to buy new black work pumps because my other shoes had been RUINED by all of the potholes and cracks. Now, let me first explain that this isn't your average little parking lot. I am whining for a cause. This parking lot is like, Walmart on a Saturday times two. It is hell, especially if it is raining (like today) or if you have to park way in the back flow lot (like today) because your alarm just wasn't shrill enough to coax you out of bed on time.

Nevertheless, this story has a happy ending, and it is all my fault. Readers--I am practically a Goddess in my office now. To my co-workers, I am the woman who single handedly convinced, no demanded!, in her finest Southern whine, that the entire parking lot be repaved. And you know what? As a result . . . it's being "handled".

Now to be honest (oh dear, I sound like a lying politician), but really, to be honest, my company sends out an employee opinion survey every few years to gauge what Company XX is doing well and what needs work. I used this survey as a sounding board for my parking lot complaint. I told people about it, and most laughed at me. But now, those same people are looking at me with admiration. They are giving me the thumbs up, they are asking me to draft similar complaints because I am proven to get results, and they are giving me their diet-Pepsi at meetings as a thank you.

The parking lot has been under construction this entire week, and every day that I walk past it, I give myself a little pat on the back for a whine well done.

A Whiner gets her way and new shoes will finally be safe from destruction.

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